I was in Dublin city center today when the riots happened. I had my camera and took some photos. They are uploaded at this site on flickr. I started at the top of O'Connell Street and walked down to O'Connell Bridge and then on the Nassau Street.
This was a shameful day in Dublin. I will post my thoughts on the whole thing later as soon as I collect them.
Update: I've added a few more photos.
Excellent set of Photo's! What kinda camera do ya have?
Looking forward to reading your thoughts. I posted mine but I'm afraid I wasn't very coherent or intelligent. I'm very angry about what happened.
Darran, Thanks :-), I've a 35mm Sigma SA7 with 28-80 and 100-300mm lenses and a digital Olympus Camedia C60. They arent the best but they do the job.
Ann, I've posted my thoughts, though I also fear I was not very coherent.
I would like to reproduce your photo of the RSF placard from flickr on my website if you don't mind. Just want to point out the 'pot/kettle'ness of it. I will of course provide link and credit with it.
Neil, your can use the picture, thanks for asking :-)
Lets get a grip here. I can see why you were all excited about being near the riot. But it was hardly the riot of the century.
"defiling the flag"..thats pretty much over the top. This was a storm in a tea cup which will be forgotten about next week.
I agree it wasnt the riot of the century, I never said it was. However I think it is important to highlight the issues. If it is "forgotten in a week" like so many other things in Ireland then there will be more trouble. You cant just look away and say there wasnt enough violence and damage to justify your attention.
When ordinary citizens and members of the Gardai are pelted by glass bottles, snooker balls, rocks, fireworks, road cones, sweeping brushes, sign posts and crowd barriers thrown by jeering kids who have just torn apart O'Connell Street, smashed shop windows, looted Foot Locker and broken into cars and who have draped the national flag around themselves as the excuse for their actions then that, to me, is defiling the flag.
Hi Declan and others,
I am from India, Asia. I had hard look at photos and comments. I had high regaards for Ireland and specifically to Dublin.
Sorry to see such a miserable and awesome deeds. I was of opionion that, India and other subcontient only suffer from such dreadful acts.
I have all the sympathy for Dublin/Ireland Citizens suffered from riot.
Best Regards,
The word wanker comes to mind when reading your journal. Enjoy your debts, mortgage, dull patriotism and pedestrian mind. After all, someone should.
If the word wanker applies to any human, most of all it applies to you. Enjoy your dull patriotism, your debts, your mortgage, your pedestrian mind. After all, someone has to.
Stop reading it then. Have you nothing better to do than anonymously comment on other peoples blogs? Get a blog of your own and show the rest of us how it's done.
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